
Add smooth transitions to your videos

Enhance your videos by adding smooth and engaging transitions between your clips create visually pleasing videos with the application of 2D, 3D, animated. and dynamic transitions.

Transitions for professional videos

Enhance your videos and make your video content more engaging with the use of dynamic, animated filters. Apply them between your clips and join them to create a smooth viewer experience. Choose from a wide range of 2D and 3D transitions to suit your video content, theme and aesthetic needs. You can create engaging masterpieces in minutes with illusto.

How It Works


Transitions that engage

Seamlessly combine multiple video clips and elevate your videos with smooth transitions.

Why Use Transitions

Stitch multiple clips together

Tie your shots and clips together into a cohesive and polished video using stunning transitions. Make your cuts fade, slide, dissolve or bounce into the next cut by adding professional 2D & 3D transitions on the illusto video editor.

Add motion to your story

Make your video flow seamlessly by adding smooth 2D & 3D transitions between clips. Use illusto’s online video editor to add movement between to your clips. Get creative with your transitions to amp up the engagement quotient in your videos with minimum effort.

Do it right from your browser

With illusto’s online video editor, you don’t need any additional downloads or equipment. Add your choice of 2D or 3D transitions to your videos right from your browser. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A video transition is a post-production technique that connects one shot to another in video editing or film. In other terms, a transition is any movement between various shots in your video

Transitions are used by video editors to connect shots and clips together. You should use transitions in your videos to make the shift from one cut to the next appear seamless and smooth. Transitions provide movement to your movie while making it appear put together and integrated.

You can add multiple kinds of transitions to your videos, depending on your preference. With illusto’s video editor, you can add 2D and 3D transitions and choose from different styles like spiral, slide, circle, glitch, diagonal, and a lot more. Add a transition that goes well with your video and increase the ‘wow’ factor in no time.

Yes, if used right, transitions definitely make your videos more attractive and ultimately increase your engagement. Add eye-catching transitions to merge your clips and hook your audience with awesome video projects.

There are several common forms of transitions, including the wipe, the dissolve, the split-cut, the rotate, push, circle, glitch, and many more. Practically, transitions are how video editors move a scene from one video clip to another. You can use your favorite type of transition on illusto’s online video editor and stitch your video clips seamlessly.

There’s no one answer to it. Different transitions add a different effect and appeal to your videos. For instance, a food video will have different transitions than a makeup video. Use transitions that are in sync with your video’s theme and place them cleverly to make your clips look seamless and smooth. But, in the end, it’s completely your choice which transitions you want to use in your videos.