May 8 2023

5 Ways To Tell Your Brand Stories Through Videos

3 min

The memorability of a good video plays a FANTASTIC marketing tool simply because it tends to stick with customers more than other forms of content. It’s a fact: video content is engaging in a way like no other content has ever been: according to a Facebook/Nielsen study, even if a consumer watches a video for under 10 seconds, it ‘still helps increase brand awareness and purchase intent.’ The use of video in marketing strategies definitely allows customers to create a connection with your brand and subsequently, allows you to understand what form of content works best: animated, humorous, how-to videos, etc. 

What’s important to understand here is that video can really help accentuate what you’re selling to your customer to create a loyal attachment: your video doesn’t just have to be centered around the product you are selling. A brand storyline includes everything from history, inspiration, and vision to values – basically, everything that has convinced you to market this in the first place. 

We’ve all saved several video posts that we want to revisit for several reasons such as an emotional connection to their storyline, a certain angle used to enhance cinematography or the crazy transitions from frame to frame. It’s why a video is only as good as its edit. If you can’t get your brand story right through a compelling video editor, you’ve already lost 50% of the battle…err your consumer base. 

Devoting time and resources to create and then edit meaningful content can be a daunting prospect for many. But we’ve got you covered. With illusto, converting videos into well-edited story content has never been easier. Our free online video editing tool gives you all you need to create compelling videos. Check out our platform and try it out for yourself: we have plenty of editing hacks available for you. However, before you graduate to editing your video content, here are some things to keep in mind while creating videos specifically for your brand. 

1.   Know your audience: Who is the content geared towards? What are their desires, aspirations, values, and struggles? Why should they watch what you are offering? 

Your videos need to resonate with your target audience – if you wouldn’t click on a video you’ve created, why should your audience? An intimate understanding of your consumer base will help you create content that is meaningful to them. APPEAL to their emotions. After all, you’re not merely selling a product, you’re telling a story. And stories should always be magical. 

2.   Consider every element in your video: Every frame of the video should reflect your brand. The people, the setting, the wardrobe, colors, and animations: each element should be in harmony with your brand’s story. All these elements leave a subtle but lasting impression on your audience. Here’s a small example: avoid wearing too many contradicting patterns when shooting a video because it can look blurry over the screen. Instead stick to solid, pleasing colors.

3.   Let your visuals do the talking: ‘Show, don’t tell,’ is classic storytelling advice. Let your visuals convey your brand story. Unlike a blog post, you do not need to state every detail about your product or story explicitly. Your visuals need to convey your brand story subtly but powerfully. Remember the use of the classic flower emoji that is subtly placed over something taboo like a couple kissing? It conveys a pretty strong picture that this is not for your eyes, and leaves more to the imagination.   

4.   Keep your videos short: To sustain your audience’s attention, video content should be short and to the point. There are exceptions of course, but well-made, concise videos typically perform better than longer ones. There is no dearth of content vying for your audience’s attention, so keep your videos crisp and compelling. Clever transitions, filters, and text can really help with this.  

5.   Edit like a pro: Editing is the final piece of the puzzle. You need to pay close attention to the selection of shots, effects, transitions, background music, and all other elements during the editing process. An edit can make or break your video. Our free online video editor illusto is perfect for all your editing needs. Apart from the standard editing tools, we’ve also got an extensive collection of stock images and videos for you to choose from. The best part? You need no prior experience to edit videos here, so go on check it out.   

Here’s a final tip: Always work backward: envision your story from the final edit and then work it to how you should shoot your content to get it right without too many edits. With a little bit of preparation and the right tools, you’ll be on your way to sharing your brand’s story with the world!

Social Media, Tips and Tricks